Time to break down the silos

Silos can be very useful. Especially if you have something in bulk to store or need a home for a guided missile. In the workplace, however, silos are often unproductive.

Employee well-being initiatives are often siloed and not fully integrated with benefits, culture, values, or employee experience. As a result, well-being programs are offered in isolation without fully understanding the needs and interests of employees. Other functional areas such as Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging or Employee Engagement offer programs that are well-being focused, without ever tying it back to the overall well-being initiative.

Time to break down the silos.

Well-being needs to be viewed as a core part of the workplace culture. When integrated into the culture and values, employees are put first and feel cared for. All too often we hear about ‘people first’ cultures, but behaviors and actions don’t follow.

Well-being is a benefit, but it is also much more. Use well-being as an umbrella to encompass all your benefits and show how these benefits support employees’ financial, career, and social well-being.

Well-being is integral to employee experience. Creating a workplace where employees feel cared for, that they belong, and are connected to the purpose/mission of the organization all supports employee well-being.

Time to break down the silos and bring together all the people who are supporting and impacting the well-being of employees.

Mari Ryan

Mari Ryan is the CEO/founder of AdvancingWellness and is a recognized expert in the field of workplace well-being strategy.


Rethink Your Wellness Program


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