What’s Your Reason For Being?

What’s your reason for being?

Have you ever really thought about that?

If you are a parent, you no doubt have. You think about providing for your children and making sure they grow up to be well-rounded with solid values.

If you are an employee, you may have as well.  You may feel a deep connection to your work – beyond earning the paycheck to provide food, shelter, and clothing.

The Japanese have a word for this - Ikigai.

Translated literally, iki means life or alive. Gai means reason. It means reason for being.

In a recent conversation with author Martha R.A. Fields about her new book “The Okinanwa in Me: Finally Finding My Ikigai”, we talked about ikigai and well-being. She explained that ‘…people who know what their purpose is and live it daily, can add seven years of good life in their lifetime.”

Finding purpose doesn’t have to be solving world issues, although I can be. It is something that gives your life meaning, brings you joy, and that you enjoy doing.

What’s your ikigai?

Mari Ryan

Mari Ryan is the CEO/founder of AdvancingWellness and is a recognized expert in the field of workplace well-being strategy.


Expert Interview: Martha R.A. Fields - Reason for Being


Expert Interview: Jessica Grossmeier, Ph.D., MPH - Reimagining Workplace Well-being