Measuring What Matters

To achieve our goals, we must measure progress. Whether you want to run a 5K or run a marathon or achieve a particular position or a career achievement. Especially in business. Business is all about the metrics. It’s about how we measure progress.

And yet when it comes to how organizations measure well-being, well, it’s not quite so clear. Well-being isn’t one number that can be looked at monthly. It takes work to measure well-being.

We also know that what matters in business get measured.

Why measure well-being?

  • Focus. Measuring helps us focus.  Hopefully, your well-being initiative has a strategic plan that has goal and objectives, which you are being measured to accomplish. Measuring helps you stay focused to achieve those goals and avoid distractions.

  • Accountability. Measurement is a way to hold us accountable to achieve those goals. Some people don’t like to be held accountable. But if we’re going to have an impact in our organizations, we need to be accountable.

  • Credibility. It’s important for well-being initiatives to have credibility. When we use measurements and data to show the impact that a program is having, it’s far more likely to be seen as being credible and to be identified as having value to the organization.

Let’s get measuring well-being. After all, when your people are thriving in their well-being, the business also thrives.


Mari Ryan

Mari Ryan is the CEO/founder of AdvancingWellness and is a recognized expert in the field of workplace well-being strategy.


Expert Interview: Julie Alig, Ph.D. - Measuring Well-being


Expert Interview: David Greenwood - Burnout